F-Class: Ultimate Long-Range Shooting Challenge

Forty-one years ago I watched a very old senior shooter (I was 29 at the time) get out of his car and slowly carry his shooting gear to the 1,000-yard line. I hoped he would be able to hit the target and wouldn't embarrass himself. I should not have worried.
I was lucky enough to be squadded with him for the day. At the end of the match he had won every stage and I had a new life's dream. I wanted to be like him at his age...to be able to win a 1,000-yard match against all comers. The gentleman was Lt. Col. Paul Wright of New Mexico. I hope I am living up to that dream. However, there is no reason you as a junior can't beat me or any other long-range shooter at 1,000 yards. To learn how to do it, read on.
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by Larry Bartholome / NRA Family
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