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Rex Reviews To Test BipodeXt

Thank you Mr. Rex Tibor (Tiborsauraus Rex of Rex Reveiws) for accepting BipodeXt's BXT 40X3 model for your testing pleasure.  Although we are confindent we will win your praises and you will find a place for this product in your collection we anxiously await your review.
Rex is the authority on long range precision shooting gaining notoriety from his Sniper 101 series and his Podcast (Rex Reviews Podcast). On both forums he discusses tequniques, equipment, and interviews special guests to provide the viewer with a thorough understanding of everything he discusses.

Team Accuracy Solutions (Home of BipodeXt) feels blessed that we were able to meet up with previous Rex Reviewer product review Huber Concepts at Shot Show. They graciously made the introduction to Rex and the rest is history. 

Accuracy Solutions has other product testers lined up to review BipodeXt and look forward to seeing how the product fairs with different rifle / bipod configurations.  Make sure to subscripe to our YouTube and Facebook pages to see footage of the tests and other updates.  

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